Reelfoot Lake NewsJ A N U A R Y – M A R C H  2 0 2 2

Official Newsletter of the Friends of West Tennessee National Wildlife Refuges

The most significant recent geological event responsible for the present-day landscape of the Reelfoot Lake area was a series of earthquakes that struck the region between December 1811 and February 1812. The most significant tremors to hit the continental United States in recorded history caused an area as much as 30 miles long and 10 miles wide to sink up to 50 feet, creating a sunken forest and forming the present-day Reelfoot Lake.

Providing habitat for migratory birds, most notably waterfowl, was the purpose for which the Reelfoot NWR was established. Thus, the refuge’s management priorities are directed toward providing quality wetland areas that are attractive to migratory birds, including dabbling ducks, diving ducks, and geese.

Download the January-March 2022 issue or the Refuge Rapid Responder here.

MainStreet – “Reelfoot Wildlife Refuge”

Reelfoot Lake in Western Kentucky is home to thousands of birds, and the Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge. Winter is one of the best seasons to see hundreds of thousands of birds that use the sanctuary as a stopping off point for their migratory journey. Drew Wirwa, the Wildlife Manager, gave us a glimpse of those birds and the beautiful place called Reelfoot Lake.

Thousands of Geese Take Flight Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge

Thousands of migratory geese take flight simultaneously at Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge. Reelfoot Lake, located in Tennessee was created by the strongest series of earthquakes in the recorded history of the United States during 1811-1812. The refuge was created in 1941 and serves as a wintering ground for migratory waterfowl and bald eagles.